Roma Bank Grant
The Opportunity League and Roma Bank Partner “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”, an old saying but there is a lot of truth to it. Countless studies show access to good healthy foods dramati [...]
The Opportunity League and Roma Bank Partner “An apple a day keeps the doctor away!”, an old saying but there is a lot of truth to it. Countless studies show access to good healthy foods dramati [...]
Building a Better Community The Opportunity League is already well known in Burlington and will keep the Villages Community Marketplace in line with neighborhood values and their sense of being a [...]
A New Year for Growth The Opportunity League took great strides in the past year. Our programs excelled while our organization continued to grow and accomplish community goals. This past August, [...]
We laugh. We listen. We learn. We build. In the later part of October, we began our community engagement meetings with the intent of engaging community members to be a part of the solution and ac [...]
What exactly is Health Equity? Health equity means that everyone has a FAIR and JUST opportunity to be as healthy as possible. This requires removing obstacles to health such as poverty, discrimi [...]
Last month, The Opportunity League received an Investors Bank grant for VILLAGES Community Marketplace. The VILLAGES Community Marketplace has plans to be a full-service grocery store that provid [...]
The ACT NOW Print Shop is a social entrepreneurship program whose goal is to provide greater access to employment for underrepresented residents in Burlington County, NJ. Social entrepreneurship [...]
Economic Well Being in Burlington In regards to the ongoing initiatives, programs, and projects we have been working on at The Opportunity League. The topic of economic development and the well- [...]